Today, there are many options available to you who want to improve the look of your teeth. At our
Corona Queens dental office, Best Care Family Dental, you can benefit from dental bonding and white fillings as part of a comprehensive array of cosmetic dental work designed to make you happier with your teeth and how they look. Our dentist, Dr. Mazhar Alhadid, is ready to get you started.
If you have teeth that are cracked, chipped, misshapen, have spaces too wide between them, or are suffering the effects of advanced tooth decay, you can benefit from dental bonding done at our
Corona Queens dental office. Using a tough and durable plastic resin, Dr. Alhadid will match your existing tooth color to give you teeth that look fantastic and completely natural. The plastic resin material is applied and then hardened under a special light to ensure it is a strong bond. Dental bonding is safe, effective, and quick. In most cases, it can be done in just visit.
Corona Queens Dental Fillings
White fillings are made out of either porcelain or composite resins instead of metals like silver or the once popular mercury. They have the advantage of looking natural, just like your teeth so that your fillings will not be obvious or cosmetically unappealing. They are both safe as well as being long lasting and strong. Any new fillings you need can be done at our
Corona Queens dental office using white fillings. You can also consider replacing your existing metal fillings with them as a way to improve both your appearance and the quality of your dental fillings.
Porcelain fillings do a splendid job of matching the look of your tooth enamel. Composite resins look extremely similar to your dentin, which is the inner part or your tooth located behind the enamel. Both types bond much better to your natural teeth than metal fillings. Another advantage is that because of their superior bonding, generally there is less drilling needed. Depending upon which tooth needs a filling, our
Corona Queens dental office will help you to determine which type of white filling is right for you.
Corona Queens Dentist
88-09 Northern Boulevard
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
By Green Garden Dental
August 7, 2013