11372 Implants
If you have missing teeth, you will definitely want to do something to have them replaced. When you have missing teeth not only does it look unattractive and make it difficult for you to speak and chew, but it can also affect other teeth in your mouth. When you have a missing tooth or teeth in your mouth, other teeth will most likely shift to try to fill in the gap left by the missing teeth. This can cause serious problems with many other teeth. Today, many people with missing teeth choose to get dental implants. If you are thinking about getting
11372 implants to replace your missing teeth, you will want to come to our dental practice, Best Care Family Dental, for expert care.
At our dental practice our highly trained dentist who specializes in dental implantology is Dr. Mazhar Alhadid. When patients come to our dental practice wanting to get
11372 implants, our dentist will first want to review their overall oral situation and particularly look at the health of the jawbone. It is important that the jawbone is strong and thick enough to heal well from surgery, and to be able to strongly hold the dental implants. Once the patient is determined to be a good candidate for this procedure, our dentist will then proceed to surgically implant a dental implant root for each tooth that is going to be replaced. There will then be a healing period of several months during which time the jawbone will fully heal and the dental implant root will fully fuse to the jawbone.
Once the healing is completed, our dentist will permanently attach a porcelain crown to the top portion of each dental implant that you received. At this point, your
11372 implants are completed. You will be able to eat anything you want in total comfort, without fear that the implants will cause you any type of discomfort. Your new smile will look great, and no one will be able to tell that you even have dental implants. This is because the porcelain crowns will be perfectly color-matched to your adjacent teeth. If well taken care of with regular brushing and flossing, and with regular teeth cleanings at our dental practice, your dental implant should well last a lifetime. For an appointment to see our dentist regarding getting dental implants, contact us today.
Best Care Family Dental
88-09 Northern Boulevard
Jackson Heights, New York 11372
(718) 475-6525
By Green Garden Dental
June 21, 2016
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