Jackson Heights endodontic treatment
Taking good care of your teeth and gums is vital to maintaining your overall health. Brushing, flossing, and using a mouthwash are not just recommended in regards to hygiene. Plaque buildup can be dangerous and can cause cavities and infect the roots of your teeth. If this occurs, you will need root canal therapy. If you need J
ackson Heights endodontic treatment, our dentists here at Best Care Family Dental can provide you with the comprehensive care and treatment that you need.
Root canal infections are frequently caused by untreated cavities. Cavities are the result of tooth decay. As plaque eats away at your tooth enamel, cavities can form and sometimes can spread to the tooth root itself. Though cavities are known for being painful, root canal infections can be even more so. This is usually because the decay has become more widespread and has infected and inflamed the nerve at the base of the tooth. If the tooth can be at all salvaged, then root canal therapy can be used to do so. Here at Best Care Family Dental, we can provide you with the J
ackson Heights endodontic treatment that you need to restore your oral health. Root canal treatment will first involved removing any infected or inflamed tissue. Once this is complete, our endodontist Dr. Alhadid will remove the decayed portions of the tooth and the tooth root as well. The cavity left behind will then be smoothed out and filled to prevent further infection. You may then need a dental crown to restore the shape of your tooth following treatment, but will not be necessary until the tooth in question has healed sufficiently.
Untreated cavities are dangerous and any infected root canals should be treated promptly. The decay involved in these cases can easily spread and further infect any surrounding teeth, your gums or even your jawbone and cause significant bone loss. In order to preserve your overall oral health, Dr. Alhadid is here at Best Care Family Dental to provide you with comprehensive J
ackson Heights endodontic treatment. If you are experiencing any of the signs or symptoms of a cavity or infected root canal, call and schedule an appointment with us today.
Jackson Heights Root Canal
88-09 Northern Boulevard
Jackson Heights, NY 11372
By Green Garden Dental
January 23, 2015
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